Trotz Krise: USA planen NATO-Manöver in der Ukraine!

Rapid Trident 2014 soll mit ca. 1.300 Soldaten im Juli stattfinden. Obwohl die Ukraine kein NATO-Mitglied ist, finden offenbar regelmäßig NATO-Manöver in dem Krisenland statt? Aber wie beruhigend: In diesem Jahr soll es die einzige NATO-Übung im Land sein! Im vergangenen Jahr spielten 17(!) NATO-Länder, darunter eine deutsche C-160 Fracht-Maschine , in der Ukraine Krieg, direkt vor Putins Haustüre.

Diesmal sollen NATO-Truppen aus USA, UK, Canada, Deutschland, Polen, Bulgarien, Rumänien sowie den Nicht-NATO-Mitgliedern Armenien, Azerbaijan, Georgien, Moldawien, und der Ukraine, die sogenannten „Freunde Russlands“ teilnehmen.

Rapid Trident 2014 is designed to „promote regional stability and security, strengthen partnership capacity and foster trust while improving interoperability between the land forces of Ukraine, and NATO and partner nations,“

Wer weiss, vielleicht sollten Russen, Nord-Koreaner, Chinesen und Iraner mal ein Manöver auf Cuba durchführen, damit die USA die Gefühle Russlands nachvollziehen lernen?

13 Responses to Trotz Krise: USA planen NATO-Manöver in der Ukraine!

  1. Jakobiner sagt:

    Ich habe mir die angegebene Webseite der US Army angesehen, kann jedoch nirgends eine Nachricht über Rapid Trident 2014 lesen. Von Manövern 2011, 2012 und 2013 ist die Rede, nicht jedoch von 2014.


  2. almabu sagt:

    Das heisst wirklich mit dem Feuer spielen, aber beim dem Tempo der Eskalation, brauchen wir vielleicht gar nicht bis Juli zu warten, bis sich die NATO und die Russen gegenüber stehen. Dann wird in der Rüstungsindustrie der Champagner entkorkt…


  3. Jakobiner sagt:

    Steht im Guardian, aber warum dann nicht mehr auf der US-Webseite der US Army? Wurde es inzwischen vielleicht doch gecancelt?


  4. almabu sagt:

    A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman said: „Rapid Trident is a well-established annual US/Ukraine multinational exercise, which is routinely staged in Lviv, under the auspices of the Ukraine Armed Forces‘ International Peacekeeping and Security Training Centre. The UK did participate last year but no final decisions have yet been taken on the level of our participation this year.“

    Diese Aussage kommt also von einer Sprecherin des britischen Verteidigungsministeriums, so wie ich das verstehe?


  5. Jakobiner sagt:

    Stars and Stripes wie auch Russia Today bestätigen hingegen das NATO-Manöver 2014 in der Ukraine:

    US Army to proceed with planned exercise in Ukraine

    By Nancy Montgomery
    Stars and Stripes • • •
    Published: March 13, 2014
    VICENZA, Italy — Atlas Vision is canceled. But Rapid Trident is still a go.
    The status of two annual U.S. Army Europe military exercises that were scheduled for July — one in Russia, one in western Ukraine — is being affected differently by the situation in Ukraine, which has been described as the worst crisis since the end of the Cold War. The fact that the U.S. and its allies chose to go ahead with an exercise in Ukraine while canceling the one in Russia demonstrates Western support for Kiev in its confrontation with Moscow.
    On March 3, the Pentagon announced that all exercises, bilateral meetings, port visits and planning conferences with Russia were off.
    Air Force Lt. Col. David Westover, a spokesman, said the U.S. European Command had been in the planning stages for Atlas Vision 2014, which was to take place in July in Chelyabinsk, in northeastern Russia, and focus on joint peace-keeping operations. But because of the crisis, “all planning for this exercise has been suspended,” he said.
    However, planning for Rapid Trident 2014 — a large, USAREUR-led multinational exercise scheduled for July — is ongoing, he said.
    That exercise, in Lviv, near the Polish border, is to “promote regional stability and security, strengthen partnership capacity, and foster trust while improving interoperability between USAREUR, the land forces of Ukraine, and other (NATO and partner) nations,” according to the USAEUR website.
    In addition to USAREUR troops, Rapid Trident 2014 will include units from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Poland, Romania, the United Kingdom and Ukraine, Westover said. It will feature a combined U.S. and Ukrainian battalion headquarters practicing a peacekeeping operation, he said. “Exercise planning will continue until we are told otherwise.”
    Last year’s exercise lasted two weeks and included about 1,300 troops. It focused on “airborne and air-mobile infantry operations,” according to a report on the Rapid Trident website.
    In the meantime, the crisis in Ukraine shows few signs of a quick resolution. Russian troops are occupying the country’s Crimean peninsula, and a disputed referendum there will decide whether the region will secede from Ukraine and eventually join with Russia.
    On Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is considered key in dealing with Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that “the territorial integrity of Ukraine cannot be called into question.” The same day, President Obama vowed to “stand with Ukraine” during a White House visit by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the besieged country’s pro-Western acting prime minister.
    Westover said if relations were normalized between the West and Russia, Atlas Vision might or might not be rescheduled.
    “Obviously without proper prior planning, conducting an exercise of this nature becomes difficult and jeopardizes our ability to participate,” he said

    US, UK military to stage NATO exercises in Ukraine
    Published time: March 20, 2014 10:37

    Ukraine will play host, but the US military will call the shots, in an upcoming military exercise called Rapid Trident that will bring together some 1,300 international forces in Ukraine for a long-planned exercise.
    Although the United States canceled Atlas Vision 2014, which was scheduled to take place in July in the northeastern Russian city of Chelyabinsk, the Pentagon says it will go ahead with plans for a multinational military exercise this summer in Ukraine.

    Rapid Trident 2014 is designed to „promote regional stability and security, strengthen partnership capacity and foster trust while improving interoperability between the land forces of Ukraine, and NATO and partner nations,“ according to the US forces in Europe website.

    The Pentagon refused to provide information on the number of US forces expected to participate in the maneuvers.

    US Army spokesman Col. Steven Warren said Rapid Trident is the only Ukraine military exercise the United States plans to participate in this year. The exercise is intended to help the Ukrainian military improve its troops and weapons operability with NATO forces.

    Last year’s Rapid Trident, which focused on „airborne and air-mobile infantry operations,“ according to a report on the Rapid Trident website, brought together 17 NATO countries for joint exercises.

    According to Rapid Trident’s Facebook page, last year’s exercises involved “more than 800 pieces of weaponry and about 170 military and combat vehicles… In addition, 4 Mi -8 helicopters, a military transport aircraft An- 26 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and a German transport aircraft C- 160 were involved to work out airborne operations and elements of evacuation of the wounded from the field of battle.”

    However, given the level of hysteria that has been generated by the Ukrainian crisis, Rapid Trident 2014 will take place under entirely different circumstances than last year’s event.

    The Pentagon has already dispatched 12 warplanes and hundreds of troops to Poland following the Crimean referendum on Sunday that witnessed an overwhelming majority of residents voting in favor of joining Russia.

    Last week, the US military announced that the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush and its group would remain in the Mediterranean Sea for a few more days than planned “to reassure US allies” over the Ukraine crisis.

    On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin, together with the Prime Minister of Crimea and the mayor of Sevastopol, signed an agreement in Moscow for Crimea and Sevastopol to join the Russian Federation.

    In addition to US and UK troops, Rapid Trident 2014 will include units from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Germany, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Ukraine.

    Rapid Trident military exercises have been held annually on the territory of Ukraine for a number of years.

    Ukraine has a partner relationship with NATO but is not officially a member.


  6. almabu sagt:

    Author and historian Howard Friel, in a string of rhetorical questions, Friel asks:

    Did Putin invade Iraq and destroy that society?
    Did Putin lie to the American people about the reasons for that invasion?
    Did Putin kill one million Iraqis?
    Did Putin spend $1 trillion of the American public’s money on the Iraq invasion?
    Did Putin invade Afghanistan?
    Did he spend $700 billion on the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan?
    Does Putin have a “kill list” to murder suspected terrorists without due process and outside any field of battle?


  7. Jakobiner sagt:

    Nun ja, das NATO-Manöver Rapid Trident soll erst im Juli stattfinden.Mal sehen, ob es bis dahin überhaupt noch eine Ukraine gibt.
    Für den Irakkrieg gehören Bush jr, Rumsfeld, Cheney eigentlich nach Den Haag.Das war ein klarer Aggressionskrieg.Afghanistan war eher ein Verteidigungskrieg im Gefolge von 9-11.Man sollte aber bei der Beurteilung der USA nicht vergessen, dass Obama beide Kriege beendet hat.


    • almabu sagt:

      Diese permanenten NATO-Manöver – direkt vor Putins Haustür – durchgeführt in dem NICHT-NATO-Land Ukraine, haben ja einen Sinn und der ist aggressiv-expansiv! Was Bush-Cheney betrifft okay, aber der heute medial wieder hoch gejubelte Bill Clinton (der bekanntlich keinen Sex mit seiner Praktikantin hatte, sondern ihr nur so ‚aus Jux und Dollerei‘ Sperma auf’s Kleid spritzte, was man halt im Oval Office so macht, wenn grad‘ kein Krieg ist…) war auch kein Guter! Und Obama ist leider ein Totalausfall: Der größte Mörder aus Chicago seit Al Capone! Die Intention bei der Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises an ihn ist leider ins genaue Gegenteil umgeschlagen! Übrigens: Afghanistan ist beendet, wenn der letzte Ami dort das Land verlässt UND wenn auch keine US-Dronen aus der Luft mehr wahllos-terroristisch Menschen töten! Den Zusammenhang zwischen 9-11 und Afghanistan hat noch kein Ami erbracht, soviel „zum Verteidigungskrieg“, trotz Peter Struck’s unseligem Satz, dass „Deutschland am Hindukusch verteidigt würde“!


  8. almabu sagt:

    Unsere Kinder sollen offenbar für die USA gegen Russland verheizt werden, wenn zum dritten Mal in hundert Jahren Deutsche auf Russen gehetzt werden?


  9. almabu sagt:

    Hat jemand ernsthaft erwartet, die NATO, die USA, die EU, der Westen insgesamt würde jemals einen Fehler zugeben?

    Es ist immer grundsätzlich der Andere schuld, der Feind, das Böse!
    Aber wir Deutschen irrerweise auch, gelten wir doch seit den James-Bond-Filmen der 60er Jahre und Gerd Fröbes Zeiten als die Idealbesetzung für böse Schurken;-(

    Bei den Neocons, weil wir laut FAZ 2008 den Beitritt Georgiens zur NATO verhindert haben, sonst hätten wir nämlich damals schon, an der Seite des durchgeknallten Krawattenfressers Sackarschwilli gekämpft.

    Paul Craig Roberts gehört in eine ganz andere politische Ecke, doch auch er gibt den Deutschen, vertreten durch die schleimig-unterwürfige Frau Merkel, die Schuld am Dritten Weltkrieg, denn diese habe sich den Sanktionsforderungen der USA gegen Russland nicht verweigert.

    So oder so, einen Schuldigen gibt es jedenfalls schon mal…


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